Monday, March 26, 2012

Not for the weak hearted (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

Mama Monkey Butt had an awesome surgery experience, or so I'd say. She may say differently, but I seriously doubt that. She went home Saturday, only one day later. Not even a full day I'm sure.  She felt pretty good, pain wasn't too awful. Sunday we were visiting for a bit and she seemed like she felt pretty good then as well.  For that we are sooooo glad.  She's such a fighter, so strong and so amazing. I'm floored at the bravery of this woman.  I will stop with my boring words though and share something she posted on facebook today. Mind you this isn't  a self portrait of Mama Monkey Butt, but take my word for it, her battle wounds look pretty much just like that of the beautiful woman in this photo!!!  


It's amazing what we go through at times.... 

"Peoples, I am alive, have went through the breast removal, went like a breeze! Hurray! But, let the truth be told, I am one breast less, that is not going to be pretty although I think I can manage that part. At least now, once I heal from this surgery, I can put a bra on, and Stuff it, just like us girls did when we were ten and wanted to look older, ha ha. At least then I can look normal again, but I want people to actually see what a person really looks like when this happens, this picture isn’t me, I don’t even have my tape stitches off yet, but I do have these hoses, that's scary. Something sucking fluid out of my body, and I see that bloody red streak from left to right, where the surgeon put my skin together. But it's not fun to look down my body and see such a flat depressed part of my body, where once before I was attacked by a monster, I was personally satisfied with, I'm going to miss this piece of my body, today I wondered where my breast was, I wish this had not of happened, but more than anything right now, I wasn’t the young ladies of this world to hear these words coming from a common person, and not some professional's mouth. Please don't hate me for posting this, and I'm going to block Carlin sis, I don't want her seeing such things, but I do want it seen. I Love You All."
-Mama Monkey Butt


  1. Glad to hear MMB is doing well! And "beauty" is only skin deep, while cancer (and an ugly heart) can be to the bone.

    I hope they got it all. Any woman with a strong heart and a will to live is beautiful to me! :)

  2. I can't put it any better than above. Your Mom is an inspiration to everyone. You are right Doria, your Mom is a fighter. God Bless!

  3. Go Mama Monkey Butt! Although it's not your pic, your words are beautiful and inspirational. My mom is a 2x breast cancer survivor. I get mammos every year.


Dingleberry says: