Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursdays Monkey 'butt'

Happy Thursday Dingleberries,
This week I've got something of mine own to share for this weeks Monkey Butt.
My new purse.
Mr. Monkey Butt got me this for Xmas ( with my directions of course) but it's the most adorable Monkey purse, I'm thinking about adding my own tail onto it for shit and giggles.  What do you think?
Moma Monkey Butt also bought me a bandanna with Monkeys on it.  It's totally Me and she said since I'm totally a Monkey Butt this suited me.  She knows me too well.
I'm sure you all will see the bandanna sooner or later, I've no uploaded photos of it, so can't share today.
So enjoy your day and cya tomorrow!

1 comment:

Dingleberry says: