Monday, October 10, 2011

365 days of 2011

Let's get this going, shall we?  I slacked over the weekend ::slaps head::  Just how it goes, let me say I had a good weekend, until it ended.

Day 272
Friday, October 7th, 2011
Ya know, for some reason I have a feeling Friday was terribly slow and made me nuts.  Hmm, Imagine that! But we did go hang with Mr. Monkey Butt and his parents for  fun night out at Stevie B's.  Who doesn't love cheap craptastic  tasty pizza?

Day 273
Saturday, October 8th, 2011
Oh what a day Saturday was!  Pokey and I went to Sam's with my Mom and niece. It was, dare I say, STRESSFUL.  Something about kids running around the store makes me want to run for the door screaming, pulling at my hair.  We made plans  to go have dinner with Mr. Monkey Butt again though.  Tasty quesadillas and nachos.  YUMMERS!

Day 274
Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Yes Dingleberries, I forgot to take a photo on Sunday.  Don't act so surprised, you've seen it happen before, but this was a good description of how the day went.  Pokey drew a few photos before we went off to Goodwill, for nothing.  She actually drew one of Grandma with a cigarette in her hand ::DOH::  She was like oh lawd.  I think we may have made Pokey feel bad by telling her she shouldn't draw cigarettes, rather than praising her for her detail. 
Gah I suck!!
It was a beautiful photo though, the cigarette aside!  She drew a few and well we basically just spent the family time veggin on the couch watching Jurassic Park. I lerve that movie! Awesome Sunday if you ask me!

Day 275
Monday, October 10th, 2011

Monday..... Monday....Monday...
Very slow day, all 5 calls we had today. I did get some reading done though and am at a point where I just can't put it down once I get started.  I read a little when I got home but then it was time to spend with Pokey, she has testing tomorrow and we have to get ready for all of that fun stuff. Then  realizing I was behind on my blogging, no more time to read tonight.  Must get to bed early and off to work, again, in the morning!  Fun!

Happy Monday Dingleberries. Cya tomorrow and stay tuned for my newest edition to my blogging life. 

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