Yes dear readers, followers and fellow bloggers,
Im attempting to catch up right now. I posted yesterday that I am behind, again, and even missed a couple of days. It makes me a little upset, but it's to late to worry about it now. I simply had too much going on and unfortunately forget. You can understand that right?
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011
There is no photo for this day. Im really not sure how that happened or how I forgot. It's 4/20 though. I don't partake in the part of 4/20 where people smoke certain "illegals" and do their thang. This is the day of Hitlers birth. No idea how old he may be. And well it's the anniversary of Columbine shootings. How unfortunate. I took a moment of silence for that. School shootings may very well be my only other fear in todays world. Never thought about that until my Pokey started school 3 years ago. Eeep! All the crazies in the world! Still packing.....
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
Again, no picture. I think I remember laying on the floor bed telling myself to get off my arse and go take my picture for the day. I guess struggling to determine how to sleep with the light in my eyes and the floor being oh so hard I gave up! Damn!! It was a ridiculously busy day at work. I had errans to run and was unable due to people coming in and picking up cars. The phones ringing. AWFUL. But thankful for the busy day. now if they can all be somewhat like that. Well most of them! Still packing....
Friday, April 22nd, 2011
Yes! I got one! HA! It's not a very good one, another bad hair day. I swear Im vowing to not warsh my hair at night before bed. It always looks like shit the next day! Gah! But I reminded myself while and work and aparently while chatting on the phone with some broken down customer. HA! Oh well... I forget what all went on Friday night.... It wasn't as busy as Thursday. Oh yes! The Ex Mr of the Apt moved his stuff that night. I think... No wait.. We went out to dinner and he also moved some stuff. He moved most of the stuff with the Uhaul on Thursday. Huh.. I do remember some stuff..... Sometimes! :))
Saturday, April 23, 2011------- MOVING DAY!
I forgot to take a picture of myself this day but I did take a picture! Yes that is my dahlin' Pokey! She's rawking my pink hat and pink high heel things and is moving a night stand thing. Yes she picked up-sat down that thing all the way through the apartment and up that ramp there! Girl knows how to earn her money. I didn't think about it until now, she may deserve a little extra money for all the hard work she did that day! :) Relax- that night stand is in NO WAY HEAVY. I'm not mean like that. She did this all on her own! haha.. Such a big helper! We had as much fun as we could that day. The weather was crapola that morning and I was genuinely concerned it would rain all day. But the sun came out it got hot and we got it all loaded and moved. Whew! Can you imagine where my exhaustion came from? I said when the day was over. I'm not leaving tomorrow. Im going to just sit and relax on the only day left of the weekend.
Sunday, April 24, 2011- Easter Day (my relaxing day)
And I made sure to RELAX today. I laid in the sun. Oh how I've missed that. Did some cleaning. Organized our room. Cleaned some more. We had an Easter Egg hunt, before this picture was taken. The girls ate a LOT of candy and we tried to just have fun. It was nice. I enjoyed it. Will definately have to make time for that more often. Ahhhhh should be easy. My Mom's house has an abundance of things to do. Trampoline, Swing Set, Im determined for Pokey to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels, then we can bike! My parents and a homemade farm. There is no reason for the farm. My Mom just loves barn yard creatures. They have geese, ducks, chickens, 3 dogs, Princess aka Devil Cat, which is resting inside on the bed Im sure. We brought Rhino the guinea pig. Mom has 4 birds indoors, and 134987651321 fish. Turkies, more chickens, those Peacocks- which I will add are stupid loud and need to keep their sorry arses off my damn car that Im trying to sell. gah! It should be an interesting summer to say the least.
Monday, April 25th, 2011
Happy Monday folks. I was so very shocked this morning when, A.) I woke up to my alarm. I heard that thing going off, playing it's Justin Bieber "Never say Never". I climbed out of bed, literally, I must say bunk bed latters aren't what they use to bed, owchies! and B.) Traffic was like non existant this morning. For those of you who are my Facebook friends you may have noticed my morning post. There was this little 'princess' in a BMW who not only likes to follow to closely but also speeds her way down the interstate. It made me laugh out loud and I think I even pointed when I saw her sitting on the side of the road with a police man and his blue lights *high fives*. Traffic was awesome down the interstate and I wasn't late for work. *gasps* I wasn't lucky enough to accomplish this feat on a daily when I lived 4 miles from work. Weird. Lets hope tomorrow goes as well as today did. Once we got into the drive thru at school to wait for the bell Pokey decided she didn't approve of the clothes SHE picked out. She cried and pulled at her shorts, saying they were a bikini???? Bikini?? Really?? My poor Pokey is self concious because she has leg muscles??? Said they are jiggly??? She is worried people will be looking at her legs. *shakes my head* In elementary school? Really?!! Fucking horse shit that kids start so early with their self concious behaviour! Stop looking at my kids legs asshat. You just mad cause you don't have leg muscle. There isn't anything you can tell a 7 year old to make them think anything other than what they say! I did make her smile and feel better when I showed her my arm was all jiggly. Go me!
So with this.. I am officially caught up. I've worked on it for a good bit of today. Am slightly glad it's turned out to be a pretty slow-ish day. Atleast with that I can be CAUGHT UP! *happy dance* We're off to clean up the old apartment a little after work today and then head home. They are eating hamburgers for dinner tonight *barf gag puke* I must stop to get snacks for Pokey when we get up that way, so I will come up with someone for her and I to eat! Good day folks!