Wednesday, October 20, 2010


--Owchies for when the cigarette sticks to your lips and you rip the skin when you pull it away! 

--Owchies for stubbing your toe when trying to keep the kitty from running out the door!

--Owchies for breaking nails the hard way.  Slamming your fingers in the door!

                   On another note, it's been a purdy good day today.  I am patiently waiting for this work day to end.  Ive said more than once today "I hate my job".  Sometimes, I wish I hadn't been lazy when I was younger and tried to make something of myself! :)


  1. Need a band-aid? The paper towel dispenser at work tore a chunk out of my finger yesterday, so I have plenty. Happy Tomorrow.

  2. Owch, I think that sounds more painful than the cig ripping my lip skin off, lol.


Dingleberry says: