Monday, May 22, 2017

Stupid toys

My 4 year old would flip for this plane, so of course being Mommy, I go on the hunt for it. Seriously, why does it cost so much on Amazon. I'm going to check ebay and then go to bed .

Stupid toys


Still Livin

Hey yall!  I'm tired!  It's been a while since I logged in, nothing new there. But I'm still alive and kicking, still missing my Dingleberries!  I hope you are all well.

My boys just turned 4 and 1. They're growing up I guess. Sometimes my head feels weird and I'm like man, where did the time go, they're almost grown.  hahah..

Guess that's just the way it goes. I sure wish my iphone had an app for blogger, would really make my blogging life easier, its hard to get the lap top out most of the time.

Much Love yall

Hang in there friends