Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 226, 2012

Good Evening my Dingleberries, It's 10:59 and I'm blogging, just finished checking all of the comments from last nights post.  Awesome sauce, thanks everyone for your words.  Makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who finds comfort in late night blogging, or all day blogging. Whatever!

Saturday, August 18th
It's my Sisters Birthday today, the big 29. Her first 29th birthday!  My aunt has had roughly 10 of those, so far. I'm going to be 31 this year. Insanity! 
Kurt and Courtney's daughter Frances Bean is 20 today. INSANITY! It's times like that and things like that right there that make you think you're just a tad bit old!  Erg! 
It is what it is.  We're all just getting older aren't we? 
Nothing much of interest happening today, though we did encounter a bit of car trouble for Mr Monkey Butt. His oil plug is jammed and he has a dead battery ::face palm:: He'll be busy for a bit tomorrow I guess. 
I hope everyone had a fabulous Saturday and an awesome Sunday!

Hang in there!


  1. So hard to believe Kurt Cobain's daughter is 20. Makes me feel.....nevermind.

  2. Yall are really making me feel old being 65 but I really don't feel that old. Hope you have a great week coming up.


Dingleberry says: